Written by U.D. Okechukwu
Punto had just vaulted down from the BMX bicycle he had rented from the park to go to the market. Checheskey, his bosom friend, who was jugging behind him caught up few minutes later panting heavily. Since it was a turn by turn ride agreement made by both boys, it was Checheskey’s turn to ride while Punto jugged behind.
While Checheskey was riding, Punto jugged behind. Checheskey stopped and suggested they both ride together while sitting on one chair of the bicycle. Punto however, considered it fun as he stood behind Checheskey, holding his shoulders with both hands, and with his legs on top of the bicycle’s chain sit he gained contemporary balance. They boys had not rode half mile when they both fell down as a result of a stone on the street which wasn’t seen earlier and the bicycle crashed into the wall just beside the road. The chains pulled and some spokes broke.
While Checheskey was riding, Punto jugged behind. Checheskey stopped and suggested they both ride together while sitting on one chair of the bicycle. Punto however, considered it fun as he stood behind Checheskey, holding his shoulders with both hands, and with his legs on top of the bicycle’s chain sit he gained contemporary balance. They boys had not rode half mile when they both fell down as a result of a stone on the street which wasn’t seen earlier and the bicycle crashed into the wall just beside the road. The chains pulled and some spokes broke.
Saddened but not injured, both boys discussed on how they would return the bicycle to the park broken. Finally they both decided to take the bicycle to the fixer after they finished from the market.
Some meters away from the market, Punto and Checheskey were lost in their talk over their predicament when Checheskey realized that the back tire, chain and some parts of the broken bicycle had fallen off. Punto parked the bike by the road side and both boys retraced their footsteps as they picked up several parts of the broken bicycle.
Checheskey was about to pick up one of the bicycle balusters when he saw a nylon bag... To be continued.
THE TRIALS OF PUNTO published every Wednesday… watch out for episode two
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