By Johnmark Ohuche
My beloved friends; Shall we reflect on Imagination?
Invention and creativity require the power of imagination.
Imagination is the key to the future. The level of your success is limited by your imagination. Every great scientific breakthrough was born by imagination. An idea is salivation by imagination. Imagination can be our greatest resource or our most formidable adversary. Your imagination works with you or against you every minute, every day.
We must find a way to channel our imagination to good use. The whole world is moving on the wheels of thoughts and imaginations. The strong hold of Satan that he uses to destroy is his wicked imagination. When we talk about charms or magic, it is imagination that bring them forth.
The whole operations of the wicked are based on wicked imagination. The truth is that since the whole of Satanic operation is based on wicked imagination, so if we pull down the strong hold of that wicked imagination, what they plan or imagine to do will automatically be nullified. Is this possible, yes. It is because it is those their wicked imagination that spur their actions. Once they are eliminated, their imaginations and actions become useless.
This is a very serious matter because that is the enemy's first line of attack against you.
Thank you for reading. Kindly share also.