By Lovely Ogechi Ekene
They are waste of resources. Remember it is not everyone that is happy that you are getting married. When you organise an elaborate wedding and invite a large number of crowd, your friends will attend the wedding, your enemies will attend the wedding.The number of enemies that will attend the wedding will be more than the number of friends (although everyone will pretend to be happy for you).
Some people are at that wedding not to wish you well but to bring a sorrow to your marriage. We have heard stories where some married couples cannot give birth to children after many years of wedding and marriage.
We have heard stories about married couples did not live in peace after wedding but got divorced after one year of wedding. When you organize a big wedding and invite a large number of people, you are giving the chance for enemies to come and harm your marriage. Elaborate wedding is not necessary.
In fact the best wedding is the type of wedding done at low key. It is not a big and colorful wedding that will make you have a happy married life. The best wedding is to take three or four witnesses along with you and your spouse to the registry or Church in the presence of a pastor and do your wedding.
Instead of spending hundreds of thousands of millions of naira on a wedding where you will feed a large number of enemies who do not wish you well, it is better for you to organize a low key wedding, invite a very few family members and friends and use the money to invest and make more money. You are not marrying crowd of people, you are getting married to just one person. Therefore the population of people who attended your wedding does not matter at all.
Thank you for reading. Kindly share also.
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