There are variety of acts ladies display when they visit guys. Its obvious that they want sex but just to protect their dignity of not asking for it, they make these signs.
In fact, 80% of ladies are guilty of these acts.
As a matter of fact, some of them will still fall prey ?
This is a very good lesson, read and know when to React.
1. Assure Me You Will Not Initiate Sex When I Visit You.
Yes a lady once told me prior to her arrival that I should assure her I will not touch her when she comes. She actually wanted to know if I’m capable.
2.Can I use your bathroom
Hmmm.. they may have just gone in to check themselves properly and not really use the bathroom.
2. I Feel So bored.
When you turn yourself into a clown just to put a smile on her face and she still tells you she’s bored, oooooh boi, na you come sabi oooo.
3. I’m feeling heat.
It’s normal to feel heat inside a stuffy room condition, but it’s abnormal to feel heat when the AC is at high frequency. She’d be like, please get me a hand fan, haba inside AC ? that’s awkward
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