What we have are:
1- God has ALREADY forgiven us our sins in Christ.- Eph1:7;4:32;Col1:14;2:13.
2- We remain clean from sins as we:
a-Walk in the light (obey the Word); then the blood of Jesus continuously cleanses us from ALL unrighteousness.-1John1:7
b-Confess our sins; then He's faithful & Just to forgive the sins and cleanse it.-1Jn1:9.
We are to confess the sins, NOT ask Him to forgive them. Faith makes us know that His faithfulness compels Him to forgive confessed sins.
c-When the sick among us have the Elders offer the prayer of faith for them & anoint them with oil. Then if they had sinned, they would be automatically forgiven. 1Jn5:14-15.
While it looks sanctimonious to pray:"Father forgive me my sins", it's actually an expression of unbelief on what the Bible says.
We must be careful not to allow religious cliches make us operate contrary to the revealled word of God.
For then, we would be frustrating Grace.
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