Written by U.D. Okechukwu
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…Continued from last week
Rita was repulsive all the way to the guardroom. she spoke arrogantly to the guards who held her so close to their arms for fear of eloping.
She hit them with her hands, bit their fingers but the guards were so strong that they didn't let go of her. When they finally arrived at the guard room which was about 35 meters away from Alegribusa's compound, Rita was thrown into the dark dirty room as ordered by her father.
Punto and Checheskey were brought out of the guard room.They looked so dirty and unkempt. They smelt filthy because they haven't had their bath for three days. Their breath oozed significantly since there was no brush available for them. Their first glance of light almost blinded them. They had been in darkness for so long and it took over 10 minutes for Punto and Checheskey to have their eyes stabilized.
"Where are you taking us to?" Punto asked.
"Shut up and follow us" the guard responded.
Checheskey was scared, he thought that the guards were about to do something funny which he just cannot comprehend. He held his heart in his hand.
On the way to Alegribusa's compound, Punto requested to ease himself but the guards declined. Checheskey was still scared.
"Clear the way people, clear the way" the guards ordered the crowd who stood at the gate to Alegribusa's compound.
The crowd cheered the arrival of Punto and Checheskey. both boys were stunned. They felt like political prisoners immediately even if they never knew what it meant.
"Move, move" the guards ordered...to be continued next Wednesday
TRIALS OF PUNTO is published every Wednesday
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